The 5th MoniQA International Conference "Food and Health - Risks and Benefits" on "Innovative Technologies for Food Quality and Safety Management" porto2015.moniqa.org will focus on technological and analytical challenges and new developments in assuring food safety and quality linked to risk assessment, health concerns, consumer preferences, and clinical implications. Unique insights in the global scope of these matters by renown speakers, invited papers and most recent advances in science and technology generated by the next generation leading scientists will make up an exciting programme.
Abstract submission for posters is open until 15 July 2015 porto2015.moniqa.org/abstract_submission! Please mind the new deadlines for the conference:
- 15 July 2015: Extended deadline for abstract submission for posters.
- 15 July 2015: Deadline for Early Bird registration (received fee).
- 10 September 2015: Deadline for online registration.
Attention: We would like to encourage students and young researchers to submit abstracts and be part of the MoniQA competition for best abstract/poster and most cutting-edge research. MoniQA with the support of selected conference sponsors will provide travel support grants and other awards to the best abstracts evaluated by a small independent committee. 3 Travel grants of a minimum of 300.- € each are available on a competitive basis: Submit your abstract, register and be part of the competition for the following awards:
* Eligible are registered students (Bachelor, Masters and PhD; student ID required!). Submissions must be received by 15 July 2015 the latest. The award can be redeemed in the awarding ceremony at the 5th MoniQA International Conference on 18 September 2015, in Porto, Portugal.
** Eligible are all registered participants who present a poster at 5th MoniQA International Conference in Porto, Portugal. Posters will be selected during the Poster Viewing and Lunch on 17 September 2015, with the presenter available at his/her poster between 12:30-14:00. The award will be given during the awarding ceremony at the 5th MoniQA International Conference on 18 September 2015, in Porto, Portugal.
Online Registration is now open! Benefit from early bird and membership discounts!
Register now at porto2015.moniqa.org/register and benefit from a 15% discount on the regular registration fee. Members of the MoniQA Association, ICETA and EuroFIR, as well as students enjoy a special registration fee, respectively.
Become a sponsor! Check out our offerings and your opportunities!
Select a sponsor package that may be suited for you at porto2015.moniqa.org/sponsoring. Please mind some additional benefits were recently added for Platinum Sponsors (only one available) and Gold Sponsors.
Join the current group of sponsors:
MoniQA (Organiser) www.moniqa.org
ICETA (Co-organiser and local host) www.iceta.up.pt
R-Biopharm (Gold Sponsor) www.r-biopharm.com
TAP (Official Carrier) www.flytap.com
EuroFIR www.eurofir.org
ISEKI Food Association www.iseki-food.net
GHI www.globalharmonization.net
iFAAM www.inflammation-repair.manchester.ac.uk/ifaam
MycoSpec mycospec.eu
SPICED www.spiced.eu