Mark your calendars! Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management, Vienna, Austria, 7-8 June 2018! …follow-up from Bari 2017

After the great success and extremely positive response after the 1st MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management in Bari, Italy, 26-27 January 2017, we would like to invite you to mark your calendars for the 2nd MoniQA Symposium scheduled for 7-8 June 2018, in Vienna, Austria.

Food authenticity, food fraud and the need for simple labeling are major drivers for both the food industry and companies involved in rapidly developing new analytical technologies.  The food industry must adapt to this changing landscape and be aware of the regulatory and legal issues that drive the change in the safety and quality of food.  This workshop will bring together food industry experts, regulators, academics and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to discuss the latest information on the legal and other issues in the food space.

Issues to be covered:

o   What is on a label: “free from…”, “may contain…”, “processed in a facility…”

o   Interpreting legal limits versus laboratory accuracy

o   Litigation: class action vs consumer deception"

Two topics that rarely share one event, but indeed food authenticity and food allergen management have a lot in common: both require appropriate labelling of foods, both are not always apparent to the consumer, both concern consumer trust, both need to be managed by the food industry, both may have strong impacts on the health and socio-economics of a society, both need adequate communication, both use comprehensive databases, both need sophisticated analytical methods, both require a collaborative effort from science, industry and the regulatory environment.

Last year’s programme, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors can be viewed at Please mind that the symposium 2018 website will be up soon.

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