Sign-up for Membership

The Association has different kinds of members:

Founder membership was open at the inception of the Association to the original members of the EU-Commission funded Network of Excellence bearing the project reference number FOOD-CT-2006-036337 (MoniQA), who wish to assist in furthering the aims of the Association.

Full membership may be granted to those who have been members of the Association for a period of not less than three consecutive years.

Ordinary membership is open to all interested stakeholder organisations, based on an application process and approval by the Supervisory Board.

Single individuals can join as micro-company / one-man company.

12 reasons to join MoniQA today!!!

  • 1. Global Network

Join and interact with the global network of experts. Benefit from a better international visibility of your institution.

  • 2. Easy research access

Make use of the potential involvement in international research proposals and projects funded by the EU, UNO, Foundations, governments, etc…. Get involved in collaborative projects, studies, initiatives, educational programmes.

  • 3. Training and education

We offer valuable training courses and workshops for teachers, trainers, and students at university and industry level, and CPD, worldwide.     

  • 4. Discounts

on conference, workshop, webinar participation such as 10 % discount on individual subscriptions of WMJ – World Mycotoxin Journal.

  • 5. Conferences and workshops

Co-organise your own conference or workshop or webinar at your institute or in your country in collaboration with MoniQA.

  • 6. Collaboration Opportunities

Establish new collaborations or join project consortia facilitated by MoniQA.

  • 7. Increase your impact

Use the membership and joint achievements to increase your impact and significance in your own country and internationally, which can be important to join a consortium or qualify for a grant or for a tender.

  • 8. Privileged information

and pre-publication information on upcoming calls and tenders may give you a competitive advantage.

  • 9. Exclusive job offers

for professionals, students and trainees via MoniQA’s access to employers and job seekers alike.

  • 10. International Task Forces 

Initiate or join an international task force on current hot topics. Recently established task forces on “Food Allergen Reference Materials” and “Food Authenticity” have led to various concrete new products and guidelines for industry and regulators.

  • 11. International Standards

Contribute to international standard protocols and reference materials.

  • 12. Reference Materials, Proficiency Tests and Validation Studies

Be part of the design of reference materials and participate in proficiency tests and validationn studies organies by MoniQA or its partner institutions.


To learn more and to start the application process please download the sign-up form below:

  • Application form and information sheet for members (PDF file attached below)
File END_Ordinary Member Application Form_2017.pdf472.18 KB
File 12 Reasons to Join MoniQA.pdf518 KB

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