Welcome to the newly elected MoniQA Supervisory Board

MoniQA would like to welcome the association's newly elected officials. Details on all elected officials can be found at www.moniqa.org/about/officials. The Supervisory Board Members are elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years. In 2015 Richard Cantrill from AOCS (USA) will serve as MoniQA President and Paul Finglas from IFR/EuroFir (UK) as Vice President. The composition of the current MoniQA Supervisory Board is:

  • Richard Cantrill, AOCS, USA (2015-2017) - President
  • Paul Finglas, IFR/EuroFir, UK (2014-2016) - Vice President
  • Marina Carcea, ICC, Italy (2015-2017)
  • Wolfgang Kneifel, BOKU, Austria (2014-2016)
  • Hamit Köksel, HCTU, Turkey (2013-2015)

Co-opted members to support the Supervisory Board in extending membership and promoting MoniQA activities in 2015 are:

  • Xiaofang Pei, SCU, China
  • Angelo Visconti, UB, Italy
  • Hans van Egmond, Rikilt, NL

Elected auditors of the association are:

  • Gerhard Schleining, BOKU, Austria
  • Marco Gobbetti, University of Bari, Italy

MoniQA and its newly elected officials are looking forward to working with you and assisting you in matters of food safety and quality assessment, research project proposals, workshop and conference organisation, design and production of reference materials, and other international network activities.

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