Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the MoniQA Association?

The MoniQA Association is an international group of organisations dedicated to collaborative research aimed at promoting a more secure and safer food supply.

What kind of activities does this entail?

MoniQA will

  • promote the harmonisation of analytical approaches involved in food safety and quality
  • improve the knowledge-based bioeconomy through participation in relevant research programmes and facilitating bilateral/ multinational research collaboration agreements
  • provide the infrastructure for and establishing an international network for inter-laboratory validation trials for analytical methods and reference materials
  • disseminate and provide access to validated and robust data and information for food safety through, for example, online databases
  • share expertise and understanding through training courses, scientific conferences and symposia, international exchanges of researchers, technologists, engineers etc, expert consultancy,
  • publish scientific articles, protocolls and standards, especially but not exclusively through Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, which is jointly offered by ICC, the MoniQA Association and Wageningen Publishing

What are other people saying about MoniQA?

“MoniQA has had a significant impact on our institution in terms of continuous professional development. The project has allowed us to raise our personal and corporate profile and has given us access to new regions and new organisations” (Anton Alldrick, Campden BRI, UK)

“My personal involvement in the MoniQA project has allowed me to increase my visibility at international level” (Linda Monaci, ISPA-CNR, Italy )

“Our collaboration with food industry has improved significantly, especially via the training programmes of MoniQA”  (Hamit Koksel, HCTU, Turkey)

For more comments go to

Legally speaking, what kind of entity is the MoniQA Assocation?

The MoniQA Association is registered as a non-profit distributing association (Verein) established in Vienna, Austria and subject to the laws of that jurisdiction.

How is the Association managed?

Strategic business decisions will be the responsibility of an elected Supervisory Board, while the scientific direction of the association will be guided by a separate Scientific Advisory Committee. The General Assembly is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with the entity’s statutes (discussed above) and holding both the Supervisory Board and Secretary General to account with regards to reaching those goals in a scientifically appropriate and financially prudent manner. MoniQA applies a best practice ethics code of conduct.

Are there different kinds of membership?

Yes, there are. The Association has Founder, Full and Ordinary Members. Founder membership is open at the inception of the Association to the original members of the EU-Commission funded Network of Excellence bearing the project reference number FOOD-CT-2006-036337 (MoniQA). Ordinary membership is in principle open to all interested stakeholder organisation, based on an application process and approval by the Supervisory Board. They may become Full Members with the same rights and benefits as Founder Members after 3 consecutive years of membership. Single individuals can join as micro-company / one-man company.

Who bears liability?

According to Austrian Law, liability is vested in the Association (Verein) and not in individual members, except in cases of gross misconduct or negligence.

What are members’ rights?

Both Founding and ordinary members (in good financial standing) shall have the right to:

a) Vote at the General Assembly

b) Nominate a founder member representative as a member of the Supervisory Board

c) Submit proposals to the General Assembly;

d) Be elected to the Scientific Advisory Committee

Additionally, Founder Members and Full Members may sit on the Supervisory Board.

What duties do members have?

It shall be a duty of all members to promote the activities of the Association to the best of their ability, to observe the statutes, bye-laws and decisions of the General Assembly and Supervisory Board and to pay their subscription fees in good time.

Members will not engage in any discussions or exchanges of information concerning commercial, competitively sensitive issues. This includes but is not limited to prices paid or charged for products or services.

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