News articles

MoniQA newsletter puts new Association in the spotlight

The MoniQA NoE has just published its final newsletter which focuses on the MoniQA Association, the successor entity to the EU funded Network of Excellence.  You can read the newsletter online at

or download the pdf at

More information:

Previous newsletters are available at

MoniQA NoE publishes Mycotoxins Factsheet

Mycotoxins are small (low-molecular weight) secondary metabolites (products of metabolism not essential for survival), produced by some filamentous fungi and often found in food. Chemically-diverse, they can cause disease and death to man and livestock. Adverse effects include tissue damage, immuno-suppression and neurological disorders following short- (acute) or long-term (chronic) exposure. In many countries, mycotoxin contamination is addressed by legislation. Successful management of mycotoxins is, however, effected thorough knowledge of their cause and implementation of appropriate control mechanisms, which are verified through use of reliable sampling and robust analytical methods. European Union Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) data suggest that harmonisation of mycotoxin detection methods would improve compliance at regulatory and commercial limits.

Further Information on the MoniQA NoE Website:

Download the factsheet

Mycotoxins Working Group

More factsheets

MoniQA FST "Determination of Fusarium toxins by HPLC, LC-MS/MS and rapid techniques"

The workshop, organised within the framework of the MoniQA Network of Excellence, offers a broad view on Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and derived products. It covers overview on natural toxins, major mycotoxins and relevant toxigenic fungi, updated information on risks and regulations related to mycotoxins, various methodologies for mycotoxin analyses and method validation protocols of analyses by the experts of the mycotoxin field.

MoniQA International Conference highlights impact of food safety on consumers and hosts official launch of new MoniQA Association for global food safety

(Vienna, October 12, 2011) The 3rd MoniQA International Conference (September 27-29, Varna, Bulgaria) brought together more than 150 participants from around the globe to discuss food safety issues and their impact on the consumer. The event also hosted the official launch event of the MoniQA Association, a non-profit-distributing organisation dedicated to collaborative research promoting a more secure and safer food supply.

New Food Safety Association successfully launched – join now!

(Vienna, 5 September 2011) The EU funded MoniQA project is a very successful Network of Excellence which involves experts from around the globe working for safer foods by harmonising worldwide food quality and safety monitoring and control strategies. With EU funding ending on 31 January 2012, the work will continue through the newly set-up MoniQA Association, membership of which is open to all organisations with a commitment to food safety and security. 

The MoniQA Association is dedicated to international collaboration and research aimed at promoting a more secure and safer food supply, its activities include:

  • Promoting the harmonisation of analytical approaches involved in food safety and quality
  • Improving the knowledge-based bio economy through participation in relevant research programmes and facilitating bilateral/ multinational research collaboration agreements
  • Providing the infrastructure for and establishing an international network for inter-laboratory validation trials for analytical methods and reference materials
  • Disseminating and providing access to validated and robust data and information for food safety through, for example, online databases
  • Sharing expertise and understanding through training courses, scientific conferences and symposia, international exchanges of researchers, technologists, engineers etc, expert consultancy,
  • Publication especially but not exclusively through Quality Assurance of Crops & Food, which is jointly offered by ICC, the MoniQA Association and Wiley-Blackwell

The Next Generation - Join Now!


The MoniQA Association is an international group of organisations dedicated to collaborative research aimed at promoting a more secure and safer food supply. Benefits for you include access to new expertise, insight into new markets, networking and interest representation, training and CPP and robust and validated information. The association is registered according to Austrian law.

For more information click on "about" and  to join click here.

At a glance

Please find attached the most important documents about the MoniQA Association for download (PDF format).

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