AOAC includes MoniQA Milk Reference Material in Food Allergen SMPR

In its latest session of the AOAC International Stakeholder Panel on Alternative Methods (ISPAM) MoniQA’s first allergen reference material validated for use in milk allergen detection methods was included in AOAC’s SMPR (Standard Method Performance Requirements) for the “Quantitation of Milk by ELISA-based Methods”. AOAC SMPRs describe the minimum recommended performance characteristics to be used during the evaluation of a method.  The evaluation may be an on-site verification, a  single-laboratory validation, or a multi-site collaborative study. SMPRs are written and adopted by AOAC Stakeholder Panels composed of representatives from the industry, regulatory organizations, contract laboratories, test kit manufacturers, and academic institutions. AOAC SMPRs are used by AOAC Expert Review Panels in their evaluation of validation study data for method being considered for Performance Tested Methods or AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, and can be used as acceptance criteria for verification at user laboratories.

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