Workshop "Reference Materials and Method Validation in Food Safety Assurance", BOKU, Vienna, Austria

Roland Poms from MoniQA Association lectured on "Reference Materials and Method Validation in Food Safety Assurance" at BOKU - University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Vienna, Austria,, on selected days and times between 28 February and 8 March 2017. The lecture especially targeted Master and PhD students in the areas of food safety, food analysis, reference materials and measurements, and quality control. The course was also very useful as part of CPD (continued professional training), for QC personnel in food industry and auditors. Apart from enrolled MSc and PhD students, MoniQA members had access to a maximum of 10 places.

The aim of the workshop on "Reference materials and method validation in food safety assurance" is to describe the issues and challenges involved in the international comparability and validity of analytical results in the assurance of food safety and quality. On the basis of practical examples the focus was on current hot topics, such as mycotoxins, food allergens, authenticity testing, pathogenic micro-organisms, GMOs, etc., the analytical possibilities (including rapid methods), and the corresponding EU regulations. Additionally, an overview of international standardization bodies and examples of international validation studies was to be given.

The course was offered in the framework of the international Master programme “Safety in the Food Chain (SIFC)”,, which includes 5 participating universities across Europe. This international Master programm was developed to provide a profound academic MSc programme concerning all areas of food safety. It offers a high level study course by combining all the existing expertise of European universities. The contents of the curriculum are focused on the whole spectrum of the food chain (regarding supply and production). 

The course was offered in English and attracted a very international audience from various continents.


Lehrsaal 3 (MGFH-EG/LS 3)
Muthgasse 62
1190 Vienna


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