MoniQA is part of two Stage 2 Horizon2020 proposals

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On 13 September 2016 MoniQA as part of two different international consortia – one led by the University of Bologna, Italy, and the other by Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece - submitted 2 project proposals under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. In both proposals MoniQA acts as Workpackage Leader. The following proposals successfully passed stage 1 and were submitted for stage 2 evaluation:

  • SFS-37-2016: The impact of consumer practices in food safety: risks and mitigation strategies
  • SFS-33-2016: Understanding food value chain and network dynamics

We are pleased to continue our success in expanding our involvement in EU projects. Involvement in collaborative research projects will increase the knowledge base, the international network of experts in the field of food safety and quality, and strengthen MoniQA’s offerings and services for its members and beyond.

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