Membership in MoniQA Association is open to all institutions interested in food safety and quality related issues. MoniQA – the International Association for Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Total Food Supply Chain is an international and interdisciplinary network of professionals from institutions working in food research, regulatory bodies and trade, providing solutions to promote a safer and secure food supply worldwide. MoniQA facilitates international research collaborations to enable services and products for food safety & quality assurance, progress and validation of analytical methods, training and continuous professional development, consultancy and socio-economic impact assessment.
Sign up for Membership in MoniQA today and start benefiting from the association’s international network and a variety of activities and services: www.moniqa.org/about/association.
Membership in MoniQA Association
The membership fee of € 1000.- for institutions/companies and € 500.- for micro-companies/consultants are unchanged for the annual membership in the MoniQA Association for the upcoming calendar year (01 January, 2020 – 31 December, 2020). For your convenience we now also offer easy credit card payment by VISA or MasterCard. To check out your benefits, please refer to https://www.moniqa.org/membership/signup.
MoniQA Sustaining Membership category to be launched in 2020
The MoniQA Sustaining Membership category will be a new way for organisations to financially support MoniQA’s activities in return for a variety of benefits determined by the level of support. Details of the new category and the special benefits for the different levels of support will be elaborated in early 2020 in response to the needs and preferences of our members.
MoniQA’s Task Forces and priorities for 2020
Task Force on Food Allergen Reference Materials: In 2013 MoniQA initiated a task force on the development of food allergen and gluten-free reference materials. The MoniQA Task Force comprises an international group of experts from several SDOs (Standardisation Organisations), industry, policy, regulatory bodies, test kit providers and method developers, analytical companies, as well as representatives from various universities. This initiative has led to the production of the first consensus reference materials for allergen and gluten-free analysis. Our latest meeting in Rockville, MD, USA, alerted the community to the need to further discuss the issue of conversion factors and to develop a guideline how to best determine them. Expression of results and the use of reporting units in communication from laboratory to client will be part of our work in 2020.
Task Force on Food Authenticity: In 2016 MoniQA started its activities in the form of a food authenticity task force to support governments and industry to raise awareness and to provide insight in analytical methodologies to detect food fraud. Consumers, food producers and food vendors can be affected by food fraud. With the growing number of adulterants linked to food fraud, concerted efforts and multi-disciplinary approached are needed to prevent food fraud. Non-targeted methods, their power to help prevent food fraud and concepts for their validation have been in our major interest. In 2020 we would like to provide a platform to collect information on existing databases, analytical methods and published literature to detect and prevent food fraud.
Contaminants: Since the beginning of MoniQA, this international group focused on rapid methods to analyse for chemical and microbial contaminants. Even though we have not initiated a relevant task force yet, we would like to consider new work items in the area of affordable rapid test systems for less developed countries. Proposals and ideas from the MoniQA membership and the extended community of interested stakeholders are very welcome and appreciated.