Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management
Bari, Italy, 26+27 January 2017
Co-organised by MoniQA Association and CNR-ISPA
MoniQA Association is organizing a two-day-symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management targeted toward the food industry/food manufacturers, food production auditors and representatives from the regulatory environment. This workshop will be especially suitable for SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and fulfilling CPD (Continuous Professional Development) requirements. The workshop will give practical, scientific and legal background information, insight in innovative approaches, newly developed tools and recently introduced analytical methods to combat food fraud and improve food allergen management. These new developments will be linked to real case studies and learnings from recent incidents. Learnings from stakeholder viewpoints, such as food manufacturers, food laboratories, food analytical methods providers, auditors, risk assessors, lawyers, trainers/teachers, media and communicators, regulatory bodies and policy makers shall complement the scientific programme and stimulate open discussion.
The symposium will be co-organised with CNR-ISPA (a MoniQA Founder Member, since 2007) in Bari, Italy, http://www.ispacnr.it/en/bari-territorial-unit/ Renown speakers and representatives from various stakeholder groups will share their experiences with meeting new challenges. The symposium will tackle various burning questions such as:
Food Authenticity and Fraud Prevention:
- What are the analytical possibilities to verify products labelled as "organic"?
- Untargeted methods of analysis seem to be the first choice for quality and safety assessment of agricultural products and foods in the future – how far are we?
- Crises such as melamine in dairy products, horse meat in beef, wood chips in cheese – what is next? What are the learnings to prevent the next crisis?
- Looking for the unknown. How can new reference materials and comprehensive food databases support a better food integrity and food safety management?
Food Allergens and Effective Management Tools:
- How can we produce safe foods for everyone? How can the European Research Area deliver better food safety and risk based food allergen management tools?
- When do I need to label an ingredient? When am I allowed to use pre-cautionary labelling such as “may contain”.
- Implications of pre-cautionary labelling for the consumer
- Food allergen management and analysis in the absence of threshold doses – an industry perspective and legal implications
- New reference materials, innovative routine methods and candidate reference methods – new developments and future perspectives
We warmly invite you to attend this meeting, which brings together international experts in the fields of food authenticity and food allergens, as well as various food industries, SMEs, research institutions, associations and regulatory bodies, all having a different stake in food safety. This special mix of scientific and practical input to the symposium will be a valuable opportunity to grow your knowledge base, learn from practical experiences, and exchange ideas with peers.
Escape from the cold Northern winter and join us in Bari in Southern Italy. We hope to see you there!
Dr. Roland Poms
MoniQA, Austria - Secretary General
Dr. Richard Cantrill
AOCS, USA – MoniQA President
Dr. Antonio Logrieco
ISPA-CNR, Italy –Director
Dr. Linda Monaci
ISPA-CNR, Italy – Senior Researcher and Conference Host
For more information, please visit the dedicated symposium website: http://bari2017.moniqa.org