Precautionary (allergen) labelling: What is done in practice?

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iFAAM, as an EU funded research project (2013-2017) aims at providing various tools and guidelines for an improved allergen and allergy management. In order to understand industry, retail, and supplier attitudes to the use of reference doses to determine risk thresholds for precautionary (allergen) labelling, we would like to assess food industry’s use of, and attitudes to strategies such as the Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL) which contains the "may be present" statement, and possible alternatives. MoniQA would like to invite you to take part in a survey, which is hosted by our partner organization EuroFIR AISBL. Responses in the survey are anonymous. Any information they provide will be treated with strict confidence.

We would be very grateful if you would consider circulating the questionnaire amongst relevant clients and/or partners of yours:




We are hopeful that outcomes of this research will enable those involved in the development of reference doses and precautionary labelling (i.e. manufacturers and food scientists) to identify critical barriers to acceptance by industry, so that these may be addressed, and the most effective methods used to encourage consumer understanding, acceptability and uptake.

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