MoniQA’s involvement in submissions of EU project proposals 2016

Also in 2016 MoniQA facilitates participation in collaborative research projects. In some selected calls MoniQA Association is involved as partner, workpackage leader or task leader. Please note that MoniQA may be able to involve its members as Third Party in various calls only if (according to EC rules) a valid membership pre-exists prior to the final submission of the proposal or the start of the project. If you are interested to get involved in MoniQA and/or any of the calls for research proposals below, please contact moniqa [at] moniqa [dot] org.

1)      The impact of consumer practices in food safety: risks and mitigation strategies

2)      Understanding food value chain and network dynamics

3)      Integrating Activities for Starting Communities

4)      Increase overall transparency of processed agri-food products

5)      Alternative production system to address anti-microbial drug usage, animal welfare and the impact on health

More details on the calls can be found on the official website of Horizon2020 of the European Commission MoniQA members may also access the call descriptions to the above titles here. (login required)

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