The MoniQA Supervisory Board met in Neutal, Austria, for its 2016 annual meeting

On 26 February 2016 the recently approved MoniQA Supervisory Board 2016 met in Neutal, Austria, to discuss the short and long term strategies and planned activities within the MoniQA Association. We thank the elected officials for their support and leadership in MoniQA:

Supervisory Board (SB) Members:

Richard Cantrill, USA ((2015-2017, President)
Paul Finglas, UK (2014-2016, Vice President)
Wolfgang Kneifel, Austria (2014-2016)
Marina Carcea, Italy (2015-2017)
Linda Monaci, Italy (2016-2018)

The following members were invited as Coopted Members 2016:

Bert Popping, France
Thomas Gude, Switzerland

Internal Auditors:
Gerhard Schleining, Austria (2015-2016)
Marco Gobbetti, Italy (2015-2016)

Furthermore Roland Poms, Austria, was confirmed as Secretary General 2016-2018.

The SB members present at the SB meeting in Neutal also used the opportunity to visit the new MoniQA Secretariat:

MoniQA Association
Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 1
A-7343 Neutal

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