Open Access QAS Editorial by the new Editor in Chief Richard Cantrill


The first 2019 issue of QAS – Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, the official international journal of MoniQA Association published by Wageningen Publishing – is now available online The editorial by Richard Cantrill, Past President of MoniQA Association and the new Editor in Chief of QAS is offered as open access paper and the full version can be downloaded at

Here you can find an excerpt from the editorial by Richard Cantrill outlining the slightly refined scope of the journal and the new emphasis and expansion in a few new areas:

“Following my review, the editorial board and MoniQA supervisory board have agreed to small but significant changes to the scope of QAS. The revised scope and submission requirements can be found online ( As a result of this review, we will maintain our current core subjects related to crops, crop improvement and conversion of crops to food, but will also place a greater emphasis on food composition, food safety and quality and the interaction between food quality and the regulation of global trade. To illustrate this broader coverage of food safety and quality, QAS is publishing a special issue in 2019 consisting of papers from the Global Harmonization Initiative which advocates for ‘science-based food safety law and trade’.
It is apparent from the recent surge in conferences and workshops on food integrity, food authenticity and food fraud that openness and transparency in food production, food formulation and food handling from crop to the finished food in the hands of the consumer is an area of rapid expansion and scientific interest from testing to traceability. As new measurement technologies, from hand-held and consumer instruments to the latest approaches to targeted and non-targeted analysis, are developed, I welcome submissions covering these areas of interest in addition to our more traditional papers and I have asked

international experts from these burgeoning areas to join me on the editorial board. In addition, I look forward to receiving analyses of the many new approaches being developed to ensure transparency in the food chain. The nexus of measurement, transparency and regulation is an area of interest identified by the MoniQA Association and worthy of future symposia and workshops and should also provide valuable contributions to QAS….”

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