MoniQA would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Successful New Year!

Merry Christmas 2018!

At the end of an eventful and successful year, we would like to thank all our members, friends and collaborators for their support and involvement in 2018. As a global network for food safety monitoring and quality assurance, MoniQA - first funded as an EU Network of Excellence and then established as an international association - has been active since 2007. We are happy to see that MoniQA is growing in numbers of involved network partners and collaborators, as well as in strength of impact with a number of new activities and plans for the years to come.

We would like to wish you a blessed Christmas time and a successful start in the New Year! We are looking forward to working with you in 2019!

On behalf of the MoniQA Association

Richard Cantrill (USA), President

Bert Popping (Germany), Vice-President

Roland Poms (Austria), Secretary General

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