Register now! for the Second MoniQA International Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management, Vienna, Austria, 7-8 June 2018

MoniQA Symposium 2018


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Register now! for the Second MoniQA International Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management, Vienna, Austria, 7-8 June 2018!
Online registration and regular registration fees end 31 May 2018.

Reserve your table top exhibition space! Only a limited number of spaces are available, spaces are granted on a first-come-first-served basis, sponsors will get preferred reservations

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From the content:
Food fraud undermines consumer confidence and threatens food safety. According to the 2016 US Pharmacopeial Convention, economically motivated adulteration (EMA) is a global economic problem and a public health issue. It is estimated to cost the industry $ 10-15 billion annually and up to 10% of the global food supply appear to be affected. Food fraud typically involves a wide range of intentional fraudulent activities, usually for economic reasons (addition of non-authentic substances or removal or replacement of authentic substances) or counterfeiting (production of substandard goods sold as premium brands).
An exciting programme with practical litigation cases, with strategies and methods for detecting and combating food fraud, are presented by renowned speakers from around the world. Join us in Vienna and meet the "Food Detectives" and get to know modern technologies that are looking for the "unknown" or learn about legal regulations and get practical advice for protecting your branded products, for correct food labeling food, and ultimately to maintain consumer trust. The symposium includes speakers from the United Nation's FAO/IAEA, IFS, LGC, USP, as well as industry representatives from Nestle, SQTS/MIGROS, and others, as well as from various law firms and food research institutions.

The Second International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management will address food authenticity, food fraud and the need for simple labeling as major drivers for both the food industry and companies involved in rapidly developing new analytical technologies. The symposium will provide ample space and time for poster viewing and discussion, as well as publication of the abstract, and including the abstract/poster in a best poster award competition.


We warmly invite you to attend this meeting in Vienna, which brings together international experts in the fields of food authenticity and food allergens, as well as various food industries, SMEs, research institutions, associations and regulatory bodies, all having a different stake in food safety. This special mix of scientific and practical input to the symposium will be a valuable opportunity to grow your knowledge base, learn from practical experiences, and exchange ideas with peers. Vienna has earned an outstanding reputation as meeting destination and is ranked top every year in the statistics kept by the International Congress & Convention Association. The central location of Vienna in the heart of Europe is beneficial to all delegates who are able to reach Vienna easily with direct flights from any European capital as well as from many other cities worldwide.

We hope to see you in Vienna in June 2018!

Dr. Richard Cantrill
President, Canada

Dr. Roland Poms
Secretary General, Austria


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