New! 50 % discounted membership package for small companies and joint membership between MoniQA and EuroFir

MoniQA proudly presents its newest membership category: Micro-companies can enjoy the full suite of benefits of a regular membership in MoniQA at half price. Starting in 2015 legal persons/consultants/one-man companies and small companies (SMEs) with less than 6 employees and a turn over less than 400,000.- € per year may qualify for a 50 % discounted membership fee in MoniQA. For 500.- € per year micro-companies can enjoy immediate benefits within MoniQA's Global Food Safety and Quality Network including the services listed below.

Additionally, micro-companies may enjoy a new offer (coming soon!) to sign up for a joint membership in MoniQA and EuroFIR for a further discounted price. For only 800.- € per year micro-companies will get high value services offered by both associations at a low price and covering food data and information underpinning nutrition and public health aspects.

Sign up for Membership in MoniQA or jointly in MoniQA/EuroFir today and start benefiting from the associations' international network and a variety of activities and services (details can be found on and

Some membership benefits are listed as follows:

  • Immediate discounts on registration and table top exhibition at the 5th MoniQA International Conference in Porto, Portugal, 16-18 September 2015
  • Free participation at the pre-conference workshops in Porto on 16 September 2015
  • Easy access and interaction with a global network of experts in food safety, quality and security
  • Easy access and involvement in international research proposals and projects
  • Better international visibility of your institution
  • Qualifying to organise your own MoniQA conference or workshop or webinar at your institute or in your country
  • Use the membership and joint achievements to increase your impact and significance in your own country and internationally, which can be important to join a consortium or qualify for a grant or for a tender
  • Privileged information and pre-publication information on upcoming calls and tenders
  • Get involved in collaborative projects, studies, initiatives
  • Support the validation of screening methods, validation of binary methods, validation of mass spectroscopic methods, current focus on mycotoxins, allergens, and authenticity issues
  • Preparation, design and production of allergen and gluten-free reference materials for milk, egg, peanut, hazelnut, wheat, barley, rye, oats, a.o.

If you want to make use of any of the sponsoring or contribution opportunities at these meetings, please contact MoniQA Secretariat at moniqa [at] moniqa [dot] org.

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