Next MoniQA Food Authenticity Task Force Meeting

Vienna, Austria, 7 June 2018, 09:00-11:30

The next MoniQA Task Force Meeting on Food Authenticity will be an open meeting to all interested stakeholders participating at the MoniQA Symposium in Vienna, Austria, 7-8 June 2018. The meeting is scheduled just prior to the 2nd International MoniQA Symposium on Food Fraud Prevention and Effective Food Allergen Management in Vienna, Austria, 7-8 June 2018 and in parallel to the MoniQA Food Authenticity Task Force Meeting. For your convenience the pre-conference workshops/task force meetings will be held in conference venue, the Pyramide Hotel in Vösendorf-Vienna.

Agenda items include

  1. Food Fraud Databases: access and further developments
  2. Blockchain and other digital platforms: integration in food fraud prevention strategies
  3. Food profiling/non-targeted analysis vs targeted analysis
  4. Validation, standardization, available PTs, collaboration

Please mind that an email registration to moniqa [at] moniqa [dot] org is required to attend the meeting. Participation in the pre-conference workshops/task force meetings is free for MoniQA Members, Task Force Members and registered participants of the conference, all others are asked to contribute a € 25.- expense contribution.

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