MoniQA to lead discussions on requirements for future Reference Materials for Food Allergen and Gluten-Free Analysis

Invited representatives from Standardisation Organisations around the globe will kick-off the discussion on priorities and main requirements for design, production and validation of Reference Materials for food allergen and gluten-free analysis. This first meeting is hosted by Trilogy Laboratories/R-Biopharm, one of MoniQA's members in Washington, Missouri, USA. The meeting's aim is to draft a first list of priority materials and to identify key points to be included in a potential future guidance document for the production of such materials. MoniQA will invite to a follow-up meeting to an extended discussion forum for MoniQA members and representatives of other invited research institutions/method providers/and regulatory agents in connection with the Gluten-Free Symposium in Vienna, Austria, 12-14 June 2013.

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