6th Central European Congress on Food

Event type(s): 
  • Related events
Date and Location
23 May 2011 - 26 May 2012
Novi Sad
 RS (Serbia)

Novel technologies and traditional products for competitive and safe food products for European and global markets.

The emphasis of this CEFood Congress will be on the following topics:

1. Food Ingredients, Health and Nutrition, Functional Foods
2. Food Analysis, Quality and Safety Assurance
3. Food Engineering, Processing and Technology
4. Packaging and Shelf Life, Product Design
5. Food Biotechnology, and Novel Bioproducts
6. Food, Consumers and Sensory Science
7. Traditional Food, Food with Appellation of Origin
8. Food and Feed Chain Management
9. Feed as Challenges for Food Supplier Chain
10. Education, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

More information: http://www.cefood2012.rs

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