MoniQA Association thanks the presenters and sponsors for a great event in Bari, Italy

Close to 100 participants followed an exciting scientific and at the same time very practical and informative symposium #MoniqaBari on food fraud prevention and effective food allergen management in Bari, Italy, 26-27 January 2017, Due to the extremely positive feedback, we are considering to take the program on the road.

Two topics that rarely share one event, but indeed food authenticity and food allergen management have a lot in common: both require appropriate labelling of foods, both are not always apparent to the consumer, both concern consumer trust, both need to be managed by the food industry, both may have strong impacts on the health and socio-economics of a society, both need adequate communication, both use comprehensive databases, both need sophisticated analytical methods, both require a collaborative effort from science, industry and the regulatory environment. The symposium brought together participants from the food industry, ingredient suppliers, agricultural producers, retail and trade, consumer organizations, private and public analytical laboratories, representatives from R&D, marketing, quality control, legal departments, as well as food scientists, technologists, analytical method providers, regulatory bodies, authorities and the media. You may want to read the full report by Michael Walker, LGC, UK at

You may also want to see some featured videos kindly provided by Thermo Fisher:

The conference chairs, Roland Poms from MoniQA Association (Austria) and Linda Monaci from ISPA-CNR (Italy) would like to thank all speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors and sponsors for their support in making this event a great success!

Thanks to #ThermoFisher, #R-Biopharm, #Agilent Technologies, #LabInstruments, #USP, #Alfatest, #Waters, #Eurofins, and #ELISASystems

File Notes by Michael Walker of the MoniQA Symposium Bari 2017-01-26+27.pdf191.57 KB

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