MoniQA invites to the 4th International ISEKI_Food 2016 Conference in Vienna

MoniQA is official supporter of the 4th International ISEKI_Food Conference to be held in Vienna, Austria, 6 - 8 July 2016 organised by the ISEKI-Food Association (European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain).

From more than 500 submitted abstracts 88 oral and 255 poster presentations will be delivered.

Poster Awards will begranted, Pre-conference activities (Food Waste Recovery Workshop, a PhD workshop, a free presentation of the FooD-STA centre AUSTRIA and a free training workshop on entrepreneurship) enrich the 4th International ISEKI_Food Conference in Vienna this year!

More than 300 people from all continents have already registered.
We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna in July 2016!

For more details please visit:

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