Hylobates Consulting Srl


Hylobates Consulting Srl
Acronym (Short name): 
Organisation type: 
Ordinary members
General contact
Via Tarsia 61
00135 Roma
 IT (Italy)
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Hylobates Consulting is an SME specializing in risk analysis and regulatory consulting in the food sector. Since 2003, it has steadily grown in the Italian and European market. Hylobates is a research-based company that delivers consulting services based on knowledge and skills acquired in research projects. Hylobates Consulting has been a partner in two FP6 EC research projects: Hi-Wate, where they have worked one exposure modeling for risk-benefit analysis for chlorine by-products in water, and in EURRECA, a network of excellence, where they have worked on risks and benefits of micronutrients. In PlantLIBRA (Plant Food Supplements: levels of intake, benefit and risk assessment), a FP7 collaborative project, they contributed to management and playing a leading role in developing and validating models for risk-benefit assessments of botanicals. They were also partner of  FoodrisC (FP7), in which they contribute to mapping out the networks and information sources for food risk and benefit communication to consumers, and in another FP7 project,  iFAAM (Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management), Hylobates provided its scientific expertise for the preparation of a study on cross-contact allergens in SMEs, prepared a database of food allergen recalls in the EU, US, Canada, Hong Kong, and Australia and a study in precautionary labeling; as part of the project activities, it also delivered  specific training for SMEs and authorities on food allergen management. Within the ongoing FP7 project HELIX(The Human Early Life Exposome – novel tools for integrating early life environmental exposures and child health across Europe) it is developing  models of exposure to water disinfection by-products. Hylobates  also coordinated an ENPI CBC MED project, BRAMA (Botanicals Risk Assessment Training in the Mediterranean Area), co-funded by the EU to improve the skills and capacities of young professionals in the Mediterranean area on safety evaluation and risk assessment of botanicals.

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