Join one of various interesting MoniQA activities now!

Please feel free to join any of MoniQA’s current activities. The invitation is open to all MoniQA Members and to those who are planning to sign-up in the near future.

MoniQA is an international and interdisciplinary network of professionals from institutions working in food research, regulatory bodies and trade, providing solutions to promote a safer and secure food supply worldwide. MoniQA facilitates international research collaborations to enable services and products for food safety & quality assurance. MoniQA contributes to the development and validation of analytical methods, provides training and continuous professional development (CPD), consultancy and socio-economic impact assessment.

1) Preparation and exploring research proposals for EU’s Horizon2020 Funding Programme. Examples of past and current project involvements of MoniQA are MoniQA NoE (FP6), PlantLibra (FP7), Connect4Action (FP7), iFAAM (FP7), and others. Currently MoniQA is facilitating project participation for members in Horizon 2020 calls for 2016.

2) Join MoniQA’s task force on emerging food safety and quality issues: discussion forum and exchange of experience to benefit MoniQA’s research agenda and collaboration agreements, new call texts (e.g. EU projects), workshop/conference themes, joint publications and opinion papers and support to other international organisations such as AOAC, AACCI, Codex, DIN, etc…

3) Join MoniQA’s task force on method validation:  Preparation of guidelines and protocols for validation of screening methods, validation of binary methods, validation of mass spectroscopic methods, current focus on mycotoxins, allergens, and authenticity issues. MoniQA contributed in the past to AOAC guidelines and EU directives.

4) Join MoniQA’s task force on Food Allergen Reference Materials:  Preparation, design and production of allergen and gluten-free reference materials for milk, egg, peanut, hazelnut, wheat, barley, rye, oats, a.o. MoniQA’s first allergen reference materials (dry skim milk and a gluten free matrix material) are currently being tested by an international ring trial.

5) Selected MoniQA supported meetings and/or with MoniQA contributions:

- 19-24 February 2016: IAM – Inter Agency Meeting and Codex CCMAS, Budapest, Hungary

- 28 February-1 March 2016: iFAAM Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

- 4-8 April 2016: EuroFir Food Forum 2016, Brussels, Belgium

- 18-21 April 2016: 15th ICBC – ICC Cereals and Bread Congress in Istanbul, Turkey

- 4-6 May 2016: 9th Workshop on Food Allergens Methodologies will be May 4-6, 2016 in Ottawa, Canada

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