MoniQA Career Centre - Jobs, Mobility and Exchange Grants, PhD Positions, Travel Bursaries

NEW! For MoniQA Members only we publish job and position openings and grants for senior and young researchers, managers, students, etc. in relevant fields of food safety and quality, food processing and product development, in the MoniQA Career Centre at

1) Project Officer (full time) - PhD student post to work on the Development of Novel Disinfection Technologies for Fresh Produce (DiTec).

2) Travel bursary for attendance at IC-ANMBES 2012 (Analytical and Nano-analytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences) organised by Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

3) 3-years Post-doc grant at the Research Unit of Food Technology at the Department of Food Science of the University of Teramo, Italy, on "Multi-factorial and multi-functional approach to study the physical, chemical and sensory stability of olive oil based o/w emulsions".

4) 2 Analytical experts for UNIDO HQ

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