Call for speakers for the EFSA-Austria-Norway Workshop at OECD

Call for speakers for the EFSA-Austria-Norway Workshop at OECD on “Key Allergens and Compositional Analysis in the Allergenicity Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants”, 21 March 2012, Paris, France

MoniQA was asked by the organizers to propose speakers for two topics to be presented at the EFSA Allergenicity Workshop in Paris

1) Biological variation of allergen concentration in (crop) plants (possibly also covering the issue of existing databases of plant allergen concentration)

2) Perspective of the food industry on allergenicity testing (introducing a perspective broader than GMO allergenicty testing)

Proposals may be sent to roland [dot] poms [at] icc [dot] or [dot] at or directly to Dr. Armin Spoek at spoek [at] ifz [dot] tugraz [dot] at no later than 16 February 2012!

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