MoniQA FST "Determination of Fusarium toxins by HPLC, LC-MS/MS and rapid techniques"

Event type(s): 
  • Trainings
Date and Location
25 October 2011 - 28 October 2011
 TR (Turkey)

The workshop offers a broad view on Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and derived products. It covers overview on natural toxins, major mycotoxins and relevant toxigenic fungi, updated information on risks and regulations related to mycotoxins, various methodologies for mycotoxin analyses and method validation protocols of analyses by the experts of the mycotoxin field.

Laboratory applications for the analysis of deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisins in maize, extruded maize, wheat and pasta will be performed using both immunoaffinity clean-up methods and fast analysis methods. Participants will deal with sample extraction, clean up and identification of mycotoxins in cereal matrix extracts using HPLC techniques as well as with analysis by rapid test kits such as ELISA and lateral flow device. An LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous multi-toxin analysis will also be evaluated as a new approach in mycotoxin analyses.

The practical part of the four day training is open for 16 participants, and the participants will do the experiments in 4 groups (4 people in each group). This workshop is designed especially for people who want to develop skills in mycotoxin analyses and to gain experience on the validation of analytical methods which might help in selecting the right method.

For more information and to sign up please visit the corresponding page at the MoniQA NoE website above.

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