Horizon 2020 - Your Research Priorities on the European Research Agenda

“An interactive workshop on how to contribute to the European Food Research Agenda for Horizon 2020 and beyond - via KICs, the European Technology Platform (Food for Life) and the NCPs” 26th February 2013

During a half day workshop representatives from National Contact Points (NCPs), Technology Platform (Food for Life) and Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) will present ways of actively contributing to the H2020 European Food Safety Research Agenda at different levels. In interactive sessions, participants get the chance to present their cases, share ideas with the experts and create the basis for their future involvement.

A detailed programme of this pre-conference workshop will be available soon.

This event is linked to the 4th MoniQA International Conference “Food Safety under Global Pressure of Climate Change, Food Security and Economic Crises" In Budapest 26th February – 1st March 2013. The workshop will be held on the 26th of February, 09:00-12:00. The registration fee for this session is included in the registration fee for the main conference. Without main conference participation, a one-day-ticket must be purchased.

For the registration, please go to http://budapest2013.moniqa.org.

The session is organised by MoniQA and ICC and will be chaired by Rainer Svacinka, MSc. rainer [dot] svacinka [at] icc [dot] or [dot] at

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